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Starcraft X2 Speed

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The Mutalisk is considered a dead Unit by many Players. This Build abuses the Power of early Mutalisks in combination with the high impact of Speed-Banelings and tries to do critical damage to the Terran opponent before he can really get his Upgrades and Production going.

The Idea

Starcraft II pros dazzle us with their inhuman ability to move their hands and fingers at the speed of light. Seen as a staple requirement, being able to pump out hundreds of actions per minute is. Walk on red Accelerator in map center and unit gain x2 speed for 2s and x2 damage for 4s Buy upgrade for troops. Upgrade +1 damage, +1 armor and +10 life Buy upgrade for Photon Cannon and Planetary Fortress. Upgrade +1 damage, +1 armor, +1 attack speed (max 9), +50 life and +1regen life and shield (max 6).

Both Bio and Mech Terran Styles have a weak Window around the Time 2 Base Muta Speedbane hits. Terrans have no Upgrades, no more than 1 Siegetank / Thor and most other Units can simply be walked over. Zerg can get to 2 Base Muta with relative safety and still transition from it decently. The Upgrade disadvantage (mainly the Carapace Upgrade) is quite hard to overcome versus Bio though.

The Build

We Open with a quick Ling Speed -> Lair build. Get a Bane Nest for safety (against Hellbats) and add additional gasses. Once the Lair is done a Spire is built and later on Baneling Speed and a 3rd Base are started.

Once the Spire is done I usually aim for 6-8 Mutas into mass Ling / Baneling. I then hit my Opponent as soon as I can with a huge swell of Lings, Banelings and Mutas.

Starcraft X2 Speed

The Execution

Distract him with your Mutalisks and try to hide your Banelings. Try to snipe Stray units with the Mutalisks then bust his wall with the Banelings. If you can't reach his Army blow up his economy with your Banelings. Watch the Video below for an example execution.


Replay - 2017-12-25 - (Z)Railgan VS (T)Maneater

Build Order

Get SALT Encoding

12 0:01Drone
13 0:12Overlord
13 0:17Drone
14 0:30Drone x3
17 0:46Spawning Pool
17 0:48Drone
17 0:56Drone
18 1:12Hatchery
18 1:13Extractor
18 1:18Drone x2
18 1:33Queen, Zergling x2
18 1:38Drone
22 1:49Overlord
23 2:09Queen
26 2:20Metabolic Boost
26 2:23Zergling x2
26 2:24Queen
32 2:47Overlord
35 2:58Overlord
36 3:05Lair
41 3:21Extractor x2
41 3:25Baneling Nest
38 3:31Queen
43 3:36Overlord
43 3:46Zergling x4
45 3:52Zergling x4
57 4:18Extractor
57 4:24Spire
55 4:26Baneling x6
59 4:39Zergling x2
59 4:44Spore Crawler x2
58 4:55Zergling x4
59 5:07Hatchery
59 5:10Overseer
60 5:18Zergling x2
60 5:21Spore Crawler
61 5:23Centrifical Hooks
64 6:05Mutalisk x5
74 6:14Mutalisk x3
79 6:28Mutalisk
92 7:05Baneling x4
101 7:40Mutalisk
104 8:36Evolution Chamber x2


Build Order

@100 Gas Ling Speed

@100 Gas Lair

Starcraft X2 Speed Controller

@50 Gas Baneling Nest + 2 Gasses

@Lair Spire + 4th Gas

@150 Gas Speedbanes

@300 Mins 3rd Hatchery

@Spire 6-10 Mutas then Mass Ling


Some notes on my Defense:

  • After 3:30 always have 8 Lings at home to deal with Hellions.
  • Prepare for Banshees (additional Queens + Overseer / Spores) around 4:30.
  • Morph Banelings against Hellbat.
  • Against 2 Base Allin build a lot of Queens, Lings and Banelings. After you held the Allin counter with the usual Mutalisk Timing.


If the Attack does not kill the Opponent you will need to Transition. Here are my most used Transitions.

Against Mech I transition to Roaches by throwing down a Roach Warren and Evolution Chambers as soon as the Attack is over. I drone up my 3rd Base and then try to simply overpower him with Roaches. If that doesn't work i go for Roach Hydra Viper into eventual Brood Lords.

Against Bio I usually go for Ling Bane Hydra or try to win with a Roach feint. Pubg 100 players. It is important that you get Upgrades very quickly as it can be hard to deal with Upgraded Marines.


Unit / WGSizeCargoAttr.G. AttackA. AttackBonusG. DPSA. DPSBonus DPSAttack ModCooldownSpeedRangeSight
Probe1500120.7510 (+1)2020L, M5 (+0)--4.7---1.073.94M8
Zealot2100027/20121 (+1)10050L, B8 (+1) x2--18.6 (+2.33)---0.863.15 (4.725 +5.67 C)M9
Sentry25010026/23121 (+1)4040L, M, P6 (+1)6 (+1)-8.5 (+1.41)8.5 (+1.41)--0.713.15510
Stalker21255030/231.2521 (+1)8080A, M13 (+1)13 (+1)+5 (+1) A9.7 (+0.75)9.7 (+0.75)+3.7 (+0.75) AP1.344.13610
Adept21002527/20121 (+1)7070L, B10 (+1)-+12 (+1) L6.2 (+0.62)-+7.45 (+0.62) L-1.61 (1.11)3.549
High Templar25015039/320.7520 (+1)4040L, B, P4 (+1)--3.2 (+0.8)---1.252.62610
Dark Templar212512539/320.7521 (+1)4080L, B, P45 (+5)--37.2 (+4.13)---1.213.94M8
Archon4008.57240 (+1)10350P, Ma25 (+3)25 (+3)+10 (+1) B20 (+2.4)20 (+2.4)+8 (+0.8) BS1.253.9439
Observer12575211-0 (+1)4020L, M--------2.63 (+1.31)-11
Warp Prism22500361.75-0 (+1)80100A, M, P--------4.13 (5.36)-10
Immortal4250100391.541 (+1)200100A, M20 (+2)-+30 (+3) A19.2 (+1.92)-+28.8 (+2.88) A-1.043.1569
Colossus630020054281 (+1)200150A, M, Ma10 (+1) x2-+5 (+1) L18.7 (+1.87)-+9.3 (+1.87) LL1.073.157 (+2)10
Disruptor315015036141 (+1)100100A, M--------3.15-9
Phoenix2150100251.5-0 (+1)12060L, M-5 (+1) x2+5 L-12.6 (+2.52)+12.6 LP0.795.955 (+2)10
Void Ray4200150372-0 (+1)150100A, M6 (+1)6 (+1)+4, +10 A16.8 (+2.8)16.8 (+2.8)+11.2, +28 A-0.363.85 (+0.798), (2.888 (-0.264)) [p 1]610
Oracle3150150371.5-0 (+1)10060A, M, P15[p 2]-+7 L24.4-+11.5 L-0.615.6410
Tempest5250175432.5-2 (+1)200100A, M, Ma40 (+4)30 (+3)+22 (+2) Ma Air, +0 (+40) S16.97 (+1.697)12.7 (+1.27)+9.32 (+0.847) Ma Air, +0 (+16.97) SP2.363.1510, 1412
Carrier6350250642.5-2 (+1)300150A, M, Ma---37.3 (+7.5)[p 3]37.3 (+7.5)--0.36 (0.09/ 0.18)[p 4]2.62812
Interceptor0150110.5-0 (+1)4040L, M5 (+1) x25 (+1) x2-4.7 (+0.93)4.7 (+0.93)--2.1410.527
Mothership84004001142.75-2 (+1)350350A, M, P, Ma, H6 (+1) x66 (+1) x6-22.8 (+3.78)22.8 (+3.78)--1.582.62714
Photon Cannon-1500292x2-1150150A, S2020-22.522.5--0.89-711
  1. With Prismatic Alignment activated.
  2. Using Pulsar Beam.
  3. With all 8 Interceptors.
  4. After the Graviton Catapult upgrade, the first 4 Interceptors will launch with a cooldown of 0.09 and the remainder will launch with a cooldown of 0.18.


Starcraft X2 Speed

UnitSizeCargoAttr.G. AttackA. AttackBonusG. DPSA. DPSBonus DPSAttack ModCooldownSpeedRangeSight
SCV1500120.7510 (+1)45L, B, M5 (+0)--4.7---1.073.94M8
MULE----0.75-0 (+1)60L, M--------3.94-8
Marine1500180.7510 (+1)45 (+10)L, B6 (+1)6 (+1)-9.8 (+1.64), 15 (+2.5)9.8 (+1.64), 15 (+2.5)--0.61 (0.40)3.15 (+1.57)59
Marauder210025211.12521 (+1)125A, B5 (+1) x2-+5 A9.3 (+1.87), 14.1 (+2.82)-+9.3, +14.1 AP1.07 (0.71)3.15 (+1.57)610
Reaper15050320.7510 (+1)60L, B4 (+1) x2--10.1 (+2.53)---0.795.2559
Ghost2150125290.7520 (+1)100B, P10 (+1)10 (+1)+10 (+1) L9.3 (+0.93)9.3 (+0.93)+9.3 (+0.93) L-1.073.94611
Hellion21000211.2520 (+1)90L, M8 (+1)-+6 (+1), +5 L4.5 (+0.56)-+3.4 (+0.56), 6.16 (+0.56) LL1.795.95510
Hellbat21000211.2540 (+1)135L, B, M18 (+2)-+0 (+1), +12 L12.6 (+1.4)-+0 (+0.7), 8.4 (+0.7) LS1.433.15210
Widow Mine2752521120 (+1)90L, M125-+35 Shield---S293.9457
Siege Tank tm3150125321.7541 (+1)175A, M15 (+2)-+10 (+1) A20.3 (+2.7)-+13.5 (+1.35) A-0.743.15711
Siege Tank sm3150125321.7581 (+1)175A, M40 (+4)-30 (+1) A18.69 (+2.6)-+14.02 (+0.87) AS2.14-1311
Cyclone3150100321.531 (+1)120A, M18 (+2)18 (+2)-25.2 (+2.8)25.2 (+2.8)-P0.714.72511
Thor (Explosive)630020043281 (+1)400A, M, Ma30 (+3) x26 (+1) (x4)+6 (+1) L Air65.9 (+6.59)11.2 (+1.87)+11.2 (+1.87) L AirS, P (Air)0.91, 2.142.627, 10 Air11
Thor (High Impact)630020043281 (+1)400A, M, Ma30 (+3) x225 (+4)+10 (+1) Ma Air65.9 (+6.59)27.5 (+3.3)+11.0 (+1.1) Ma AirP (Air)0.912.627, 11 Air11
Viking fm215075301.5-0 (+1)125A, M-10 (+1) x2+4 A-14 (+1.4)+5.59 AP1.433.85910
Viking am215075301.520 (+1)125A, M12 (+1)-+8 (+1) M16.9 (+1.41)-+11.3 (+1.41) M-0.713.15610
Medivac2100100301.5-1 (+1)150A, M--------3.5 (0.63) (+2.44)-11
Liberator fm3150150431.5-0 (+1)180A, M-5 (+1) x2--7.75 (+1.55)-P1.294.72510
Liberator dm3150150431.5-0 (+1)180A, M75 (+5)--65.8 (+4.39)---1.14-10 (+3)10 (+3)
Banshee3150100431.5-0 (+1)140L, M12 (+1) x2--27 (+2.25)--P0.893.85 (+1.4)610
Raven2100200431.25-1 (+1)140L, M--------4.13-11
Battlecruiser6400300642.5-3 (+1)550A, M, Ma8 (+1)6 (+1)-50 (+6.25)37.5 (+6.25)--0.162.62612
Planetary Fortress-150150365x5-3 (+2)1500A, M, S40--28--S1.43-6 (+1)11
Missile Turret-1000182x2-0 (+2)250A, M, S-12 x2--39.3--0.61-7 (+1)11
Auto-Turret----2x2-1 (+2)150A, M, S1818-31.5831.58--0.57-6 (+1)7


UnitSizeCargoAttr.G. AttackA. AttackBonusG. DPSA. DPSBonus DPSAttack ModCooldownSpeedCreep bonusRangeSight
Larva---110.25-1025L, B--------(0.79)x1.0-5
Drone1500120.7510 (+1)40L, B5 (+0)--4.7---1.073.94x1.0M8
Queen21500361.7521 (+1)175B, P4 (+1) x29 (+1)-11.3 (+2.82)12.7 (+1.41)-P0.711.31x2.75, 79
Zergling0.5250170.7510 (+1)35L, B5 (+1)--10 (+2), 14.1 (+2.82)---0.497 (0.354)4.13 (+2.45)x1.3M8
Baneling0.52525140.7520 (+1)30 (+5)B16 (+2)-+19 (+2) L / +64 (+5) S---S-3.5 (+0.63)x1.3M8
Roach2752519121 (+1)145A, B16 (+2)--11.2 (+1.4)---1.433.15 (+1.05)x1.349
Ravager3257591.541 (+1)120B16 (+2)--14 (+1.75)--1.143.85x1.369
Hydralisk210050241.2520 (+1)90L, B12 (+1)12 (+1)-22.2 (+1.85)22.2 (+1.85)-P0.543.15 (+0.79)x1.35 (+1)9
Lurker350100181.541 (+1)200A, B20 (+2)-+10 (+1) A13.99 (+1.4)-+6.99 (+0.7) AL1.434.13 (+0.413)x1.38 (+2)10
Infestor2100150361.520 (+1)90A, B, P--------3.15x1.3-10
Swarm Host310075291.62541 (+1)160A, B---46.6 (+4.66)[z 1]----3.15x1.3-10
Locust---30.75-0 (+1)50L, B10 (+1)--23.3 (+2.33)--P0.432.62x1.436
Ultralisk630020039282 (+1) ((+2))500A, B, Ma35 (+3)--57.4 (+4.92)--S0.614.13 (+0.82)x1.319
Overlord-1000182-0 (+1)200A, B--------0.902 (+1.728)--11
Overseer-5050122-1 (+1)200A, B--------2.62 (+2.1)--11
Changeling---10.75-05L, B--------3.15x1.0-8
Mutalisk2100100241-0 (+1)120L, B9 (+1)9 (+1)-8.3 (+0.92)8.3 (+0.92)-B, P1.095.6-311
Corruptor2150100291.25-2 (+1)200A, B-14 (+1)+6 (+1) Ma-10.3 (+0.74)+4.4 (+0.74) MaP1.364.725-610
Viper3100200292-1 (+1)150A, B, P--------4.13--11
Brood Lord4150150242-1 (+1)225A, B, Ma20 (+2)--11.2 (+1.12)---1.791.97-1012
Broodling---10.75-0 (+1)30L, B4 (+1)--8.7 (+2.17)---0.465.37x1.0M7
Spine Crawler-100-362x2-2300A, B, S25-+5 A18.9-+3.8 A-1.320, 1.4x2.5711
Spore Crawler-75-212x2-1400A, B, S-15+15 B-24.6+24.6 BP0.610, 1.4x2.6711

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